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Design in a short supply chain

An increasing number of designers-businesses manage the production supply chain from concept through to distribution. A case in point is Something Good, a design conceived and promoted by Giorgio Biscaro, Zaven (Enrica Cavarzan and Marco Zavagno) and Matteo Zorzenoni.

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Ribalta Design | 5 minutes for 20 images

Waiting for the event in Venice, here’s a NIGHT FOR DESIGNERS IN THE LIMELIGHT! On the 16th of November at 7pm , at the I Portici Hotel in Bologna (via dell’Indipendenza, 69), self-producing designers will have the opportunity to present to the public a flash of their work.

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The Genius Loci

The Netherlands is one of the countries where independent, self-produced design is most widespread. At the Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven we find a vast number of young designers who invent production processes, initiate co-working synergies and develop service platforms for promotion and research in design.

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Dreams come out of the drawer

There are many ideas that don’t go beyond the prototype stage. Sometimes this is because they are complicated to produce, are not suited to the market, or have been made solely for purposes of research. The new online platform will act as a showcase for designs and maquettes, models and prototypes or one-off products [...]

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Identity-revealing objects

Objects are a way of revealing  identity and a means of individual affirmation and expression. This is the common finding that emerged among the three work groups during the sixth IN Residence workshop, organised by Barbara Brondi and Marco Rainò.

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On sale at the museum shop

Did you recognize them? They are the Kamo lamps by Purquapà’s Simone Bruzzi and Federico Piras, who participated in Open Design Design Italia 2012, made in Bologna with second-hand moka coffe makers.

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London Design Festival

The London Design Festival has just finished. The Guardian has identified the best emerging designers and the most important issues of our design future: self-production, combining digital design and handmade and new entrapreneurial geographies. Read the article

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Why participate in Open Design Italia 2013?

What’s new for the 2013 exhibitors? Open Design Italia offers to its selected exhibitors free training courses on property rights, marketing, communication and photography. Moreover, 15 lucky exhibitors will have the chance to meet sector experts (representatives from Alias, Desso NL, Leucos, Seletti, Jannelli&Volpi, Antonio Franceschini-Federmoda among others).

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