Ribalta Design | 5 minutes for 20 images
Waiting for the event in Venice, here’s a NIGHT FOR DESIGNERS IN THE LIMELIGHT!
On the 16th of November at 7pm , at the I Portici Hotel in Bologna (via dell’Indipendenza, 69), self-producing designers will have the opportunity to present to the public a flash of their work.
You can apply until thursday, the 15th of November at 6pm by writing to info[at]opendesignitalia.net. 20 participants will be selected to present a sequence (ppt, prezi or pdf) of 20 images, 15 seconds for each image, adding up to a maximum of 5 minutes of presentation in front of a jury composed by: a representant of the Chamber of Architects of Bologna; an editor of Ottagono; a member of the Open Design Italia Team. The audience can express preferences.
Ottagono.com will document the event and it will give space to the winning project!
This initiative is organized in collaboration with Ottagono and the Chamber of Architects of Bologna.