
The workshops at Open Design Italia 2016

  • 8th June 20168/06/16
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Sunday June 12th, is the day in which visitors will be actively involved in workshops curated by FabLab Castelfranco Veneto and Officine Digital ZIP – Fablab Padova that, throughout the day, will show the potential of digital fabrication and technologies applied to building, handicrafts and traditional manufacturing.

We wait for you in the Palladian Basilica in Vicenza for interesting moments of debate, training and to appreciate the high quality design of small series!


11-12:30 a.m. : PITCH “SELF-CONTRUCTION OF TOYS”, curated by Fablab CastelfrancoBambini.

Boys from the age of five years are involved in the construction of toys testing between circuits, robots from recycled materials and electronic prototyping. With the aim to spread digital culture among the smallest.

Gloria Spagnolo, fabber FabLab of Castelfranco Veneto, will present “playful” facilities for young and old visitors that highlight the interactive potential that the electronic processing of objects can make. Conductive ink to mix light and fruits that sound like a piano’s what you can prove in the space provided.

4-5.30 p.m. : PITCH “FROM THE PAST TECHNOLOGY TO THE FUTURE”, curated by Officine Digitali ZIP.

The workshop allows visitors to discover the digital technologies and understand how they can be applied to products of handicraft production processes in the coming years. For example, how to build a custom keychain with your name or your dedicates using 3D printing in the creation of custom objects.

Paolo Moro, fabber Officine Digital ZIP, presents concrete examples of the contribution that the FabLab service can bring to traditional work. 3D printed buildings for innovative marketing or #Fabkey, a kit to connect the door to the internet, are some of the examples that will be showed.

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