
The selected designers from the first selection event

  • 16th April 201616/04/16
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Unveiled the chosen designers from the first selection event (Open Design Italia Challenge) in Milan: those designers will exhibit at Open Design Italia on Stage in Basilica Palladiana Vicenza.

Here the list of selected designer:

Caterina Artegiani

Francesca Avesani

Enrica Battiston

Sofia Bonvicini

Claudio Brunello

Giacomina Bustreo

Michele Campo

Matteo Congiu

Milena D’acunto

Louis Dombowsky

Andrea Francesconi

Alba Gallizia

Kathia Giacomini

Adriano Giannini

Giovanni Minelli

Michela Montanini

Matteo Montecchia

Alessia Pagotto

Francesco Panacciulli

Emilia Paolicelli

Mattia Pasini

Susanna Pilia

Umberto Rizzato

Igor Salvadori

Michele Salvato

Olaf Sedmak

Francesca Tronca

Paolo Valenti

Laura Visentin

Creazioni Zuri


_Originality and innovation
_Technical functionality and aesthetic quality
_Use of technology and sustainability of the production chain
_Connection with the designer’s territory and synergy with local production companies

_Ability to communicate and present the products

_Marketability of the product

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