Designer selezionati

69 | Irene van Ophoven | Rotterdam | The Netherlands


Fashion designer specialized in textiles, Irene van Ophoven comes from an intense training in The Netherlands. As Autre Choix, she took part in several design events and exhibitions all over Europe, in order to present her collections to the world.



Self-production is:

The other choice. The design that wants to be an alternative choice, with a surprising way of looking at new trends and lifestyles.


Time Traveler

Time Travel is a complete collection of fabrics for interiors, that investigates the potential of digital printing on fabric, combined with artisanal techniques and photography. The patterns recall pictures related to technology, acceleration and space.

Dates and Places

Year of realization: 2014

Design place: Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Place of production: Belgium and The Netherlands


Beechwood – BendyWood (Italy)



Manufacturing process

The curtains and upholstery fabrics are digitally printed. The trimmings are stitched and woven with the help of an old wooden loom

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