Designer selezionati

59 | Anonima|Mente | Ravenna | Italy


The firm was founded in 2010 by architect Laura Giovannini, who shaped it around the search for the essential. The word “anonymous” ironically refers to the extreme simplification of the form, which leads to anything but anonymous products. In fact they are strongly characterized from an aesthetic point of view, original and distinctive.



Self-production is:

The designer who follows all stages of implementation, ensuring an ethically correct and high-quality production. Direct contact with his work fosters research and improvement.


Cases for Apple devices

Series of cases made of 3mm thick wool felt and leather for Macbook, iPad, iPad mini and iPhone. These soft shells are able to ensure a good protection against scratches and small bumps even without the addition of paddings, thus remaining thin and light. The leather band allows to fasten the buttons on the outside without touching the device.

Dates and Places

Year of realization: 2014

Design place: Ravenna

Place of production: Ravenna


100% felt wool from Germany and Italian leather



Manufacturing process

Handcut and handmade in Italy using natural high-quality materials

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