Designer selezionati

64 | On Air | Torino | Italy


Fashion label On Air was founded in 2012 by Francesca Cibischino and Giulia Accornero. Starting from the concept of sustainability, they produce a collection that gives a new life to man clothing items, by disassembling and turning them into women’s clothes.



Self-production is:

To choose in complete autonomy, starting from the material, the sketches, the creation, the labels’ and logo’s graphic design, up to communication and sales.


On Air

A collection made by using existing man clothes, disassembled and reinvented as women clothing items. The waistcoat, for example, is made with man jackets, while the dresses “pipistrello” and “orizzontali” are created from trousers.

Dates and Places

Year of realization: 2012

Design place: Turin

Place of production: Turin


Existing man clothing of different materials (wool, linen, cotton)



Manufacturing process

Search for the suitable clothing items (color, size, material); adjustment of the item to the paper pattern and to female sizes; confection

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