Designer selezionati

20 | Brunello Arte Design | Bassano del Grappa (VI) | Italy


After a training as a window dresser in Turin, Claudio Brunello began his artistic career by winning the Premio “Cairoli” in 1973. He organized art series and has been exhibitor in many art galleries. Recently he also entered the world of design.



Self-production is:

Conception, design, search for manufacturers of the needed materials, assembly in the lab, calculation of the production costs and sale, entering the network, organizing the distribution.


Identity Containers & Light Inside

Composed of objects of visual poetry, the PMMA transparent boxes represent modernity. The elements contained within are balanced and create playful effects of solids and voids with the external structure. Every single type is numbered because it is produced in 99 copies.

Dates and Places

Year of realization: 2014-2015

Design place: Bassano del Grappa

Place of production: Bassano del Grappa


Boxes and polycarbonate sheets, from local companies (PI, Tecnoitalia, CentroCopie A0, Graphics Fantinato)


Nicolò Brunello, Maddalena Brunello

Manufacturing process

Research for and cleaning of the materials, handmade assembly, finishing and packaging with catalog

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