Designer selezionati

13 | Nicola Di Vietro | Minervino Murge (BT) | Italy


He graduated in Industrial Design in Florence and now continues working in the stone industry at Pastore Marmi and Lanzetta, specializing in panellings, patterns and set-ups. Among others, he works with Busnelli International on the development of packaging and interior design.



Self-production is:

The designer is a collector of artifacts and ready to transform them. He collects knowledge and techniques to create a product. He is director and actor of the production process.


Wine Packaging

Just like wine takes shape in oak barrels, in the same way the offset line dresses what has become good wine. The three models interact with the viewer by showing the bottle and highlighting the label, that becomes the undisputed protagonist. The exposition packaging can also be used for transporting of the bottle.

Dates and Places

Year of realization: 2014

Design place: Minervino Murge (BT)

Place of production: Barletta


Sandwich consisting of sliced veneer, produced by Busnelli International, and artificial leather produced by Alfatex Italia


Busnelli international

Manufacturing process

Assembly of materials with thermo-adhesive sheets pressed in heat; cutting through pronged tear-off tabs; steam folding and packaging with drops of loctite

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