Designer selezionati

50 | Edizioni Precarie | Palermo | Italy


Architect who lives in Palermo. After working in the Netherlands as a urban designer at ZUS, she worked with Clac, Palermo by Bike and NUR for the research on the area. In 2010 she founded Giardinieri di Santa Rosalia, a group that works on urban regeneration in Palermo. In 2013 she began her research as an artisan designer with Edizioni Precarie, an initiative that recovers craftsmanship in order to tell about the intangible heritage.



Self-production is:

It means dealing with each step of a project, from the birth of an idea to its realization and its diffusion.


Carte alimentari da lettera

The food stationery paper is a journey through the historical markets of Palermo, made by recovering old prints of tuna or swordfish, with handmade bindings and carved stamps. The paper, formerly used to wrap food, becomes now paper for expressing thoughts. For the maintainance of freshness.

Dates and Places

Year of realization: 2013

Design place: Palermo

Place of production: Palermo


Food paper from markets and small shops in the historic center of Palermo



Manufacturing process

Assembled paper, put together, bound and stamped by hand with traditional 100% local processes

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