Designer selezionati

66 | Cinzia Carantoni | Ferrara | Italy


After studying in Ferrara and Bologna and graduating in Philosophy with a focus on aesthetics, Cinzia Carantoni got into applied arts and attended the Ballardini Institute in Faenza. Here she started collaboating with local traditional shops, where she works and decorates porcelain.



Self-production is:

A form of desecration of the production process, where all stages of production are disclosed. It allows to investigate on how things work. The idea of the project turns into action.



De-Sidera is a collection of porcelain jewelry inspired by the contemplation of the sky. This “spatial” jewelry line combines aesthetic value and a strong philosophical meaning, aiming to be a reflection on the fascination of darkness and the desire to always find a light in it.

Dates and Places

Year of realization: 2014

Design place: Ferrara

Place of production: Ferrara


Limoges porcelain, rubber, plastic tube, small steel components, all from local suppliers



Manufacturing process

The porcelain elements are manufactured and hand finished using ancient ceramic techniques, painted with brush and fired at 1250°C

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