Designer selezionati

39 | Nearch | Padova | Italy


Architecture and Design studio, Nearch started from a collaboration between Umberto Rizzi and Claudia Tavan. Their work explores the sphere of living space, as whether domestic, commercial or urban concept.



Self-production is:

To look over the sketch, to believe so much in a product that you want to produce it and experiment by offering it to the public.


Puntini 35

Born as a project of industrial design, Handy is a multifunctional piece of furniture with simple and essential geometric lines. Its characteristic feature is the processing, since no waste timber is discarded from the production.

Dates and Places

Year of realization: 2014

Design place: Padova

Place of production: Campodarsego (PD), Maserà di Padova (PD)


Iron and solid Italian plywood


Niva Line, Mobilificio Lunardi

Manufacturing process

Laser cutting of the 3 mm iron sheet, welding, powder coating with RAL paints; Processing of the edges to 45° of the wood and final finishing.

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