Designer selezionati

56 | Antonietta Casini | Reggio Emilia | Italy


Always active in the field of communication design, in 2014 Antonietta Casini founded the brand TRAME&TE, with the aim of creating children products that combine pedagogy and design through self-production. In 2015 she meets ITALIANTOY, with whom she shares goals and passions, in the creation of new children products.



Self-production is:

An endless work but certainly the most authentic and complete way to be a designer, to understand and think of the product in all its aspects.


Cosà & Così

Cosà & Così is a playful sweater designed to let children play, interacting with the garment to create and tell fantastic stories.

Dates and Places

Year of realization: 2014

Design place: Reggio Emilia

Place of production: Reggio Emilia – Carpi – Concordia


Organic cotton, soybean fiber and bamboo from Italian weaving


Chiara Di Palma, Licia Trolli Giuseppe Vitale, ITALIANTOY Confezioni Debora DVL

Manufacturing process

Technical drawings for the cutting of the models, processing of the materials up to the packaging and labeling

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