Designer selezionati

22 | Ezio Gabrieli | Valenza (AL) | Italy


The journey of Ezio Gabrielli begins in the gold industry of Valenza. He creates his objects by hand with the aid of computer software for design and industrialization, and soon also rapid prototyping. He loves design and the physical and emotional relationship that it creates with the environement. And this is why he chooses to combine industrial materials with a primary source: light.



Self-production is:

A cross process that is touching the world of small-series production and is adding a new polarity in the market, in the production, in design and in communication.



A series of “post industrial” lamps. The idea is based on practical-functional aspects such as the brass faucet that turns on the light, the components that do not require finishing and the easy assembly.

Dates and Places

Year of realization: 2014

Design place: Valenza (AL)

Place of production: Valenza (AL)


Joints made of cast iron and galvanized pipes, brass faucet, laser processed wooden lampshades (from Piedmont), LED light source



Manufacturing process

Ready-made components, assembly of the lamp with insertion of electrical wiring, safety and quality control

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