
Designers, makers and self-producers at bicWEEK

  • 26th November 201426/11/14
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Designers, makers and self-producers met on the 20th November in Rovereto at bicWEEK, a seminar organised by Trentino Sviluppo, Development Agency of the Autonomous Province of Trento, dedicated to promoting sustainable development in Trentino. Open Design Italia also took part illustrating the format of the 2015 edition, to be held in Trento, which will provide the opportunity to the selected designers of participating in training lectures/workshops and b2b meetings. Also participating at the Rovereto seminar were representatives from the Polytechnic of Milan, the University of Bolzano, the IUAV University of Venice and the University of Trento to discuss strategies oriented towards training and promoting excellence within the territory.

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