
The international Jury of Open Design Italia 2015

  • 19th January 201519/01/15
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It has been revealed the international jury of Open Design Italy 2015.

During the event, these excellent fellows will assign the four awards, best interpreting the creativity of our participants. Here is the short list:
Aldo Cibic, architect and designer
Boaz Cohen, designer BCXSY
Valerio Facchin, designer and president of ADI Nord Est (Italian Association of Industrial Design)
Adam Somlai-Fischer, Hungarian architect and interaction designer, co-founder of the presentation software Prezi
Roque Luna Jr., Manager of Retail Operations Guggenheim Museum shops
Benedetto Marzullo, journalist and editor in chief of LIVING
Luigi Ratclif, National Secretary of GAi Giovani Artisti Italiani (Young Italian Artists)
The jurors will select the best projects on the basis of originality and innovation, technical functionality and aesthetic quality, employed technology and sustainability of the production chain, links with the designer’s territory and the synergies with local production companies, ability to communicate and present the products and, finally, marketability.

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