Designer selezionati

70 | Wav Clothing | Milano | Italy


Giulia Bortoli attends the New Academy of Fine Arts (NABA) in Milan and works as a digital graphic designer at ehi! digital agency. In 2012 she co-founded Wav Clothing, a street wear brand that represents a vision of the metropolitan city, of the construction of the self and of the production chain processes: made in Italy, specifically in Veneto, with fabrics from stock scraps.



Self-production is:

To mainly use stock fabrics, in order to avoid producing new ones, and avail of the companies’ waste.


Wav Clothing

Wav represents the technological evolution of street-culture through the search for fresh and innovative materials. It combines the skate/surf style with technical fabrics through the 100% Italian design and production chain.

Dates and Places

Year of realization: 2012

Design place: Milan

Place of production: Schio (VI)


Polyester and cotton (Thiene), sublimation printing (Merate, MI), silk-screen printing (Schio, VI)


Co.cin.ella sas

Manufacturing process

Production was meticulously followed, trusting the knowledge of Italian artisans

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