Designer selezionati

52 | Officina* | Venezia | Italy


The magazine OFFICINA* is very active in the publishing world and aims to be a discoverer of handicraft enterprises, that are often strongly creative incubators. OFFICINA* was born in 2014 from a collaboration among many designers and writing enthusiastics and is issued online every to months, reporting interesting design stories and projects.



Self-production is:

A working gearwheel that combines three factors: having an idea, understanding that it is possible to achieve it with one’s own skills and being able to turn it into reality. Plus enthusiasm.



It’s a bimonthly online magazine that is actively present on the creative scene and aims to report interesting contexts of craftsmanship.Thenumber02 refers to the young laboratory Reggiani Ceramica that, located in the very heart of Venice, combines traditional craft techniques and 3D printing.

Dates and Places

Year of realization: 2014

Design place: Venezia

Place of production: Venezia


Cover image: I. Fracassi, (designer). Text and article images: collaboration with A. Reggiani (artisan potter) and D. Tuberga (designer)


C. Trojetto, E. Antoniol, F. Banchieri, V. Covre, M. Ferrari, F. Guidolin, V. Manfè, M. Menegazzo, D. Petucco

Manufacturing process

Partnership with the laboratory of Reggiani Ceramics and collaboration with the owner Andrea for the publication of an article for the magazine about the number 02

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