
New partnership with the MUSE – Museum of Science of Trento

  • 19th December 201419/12/14
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To get closer to the world of digital fabrication, we entrust to one of the most notable Italian institution: the MUSE Fablab – Museum of Science of Trento.
The MUSE will select among the applicants of Open Design Italia 2015 two makers who use digital fabrication in the technical design process. They will each be provided, free of charge, with an exhibition space for the three days of the event.

The other selected makers can, anyhow, participate by paying the exhibition space fee.
The MUSE FabLab is a lab for digital fabrication focused on education and technological assistance for everybody (DIYer, companies or professionals) in order to develop a strong competence and use of digital fabrication technologies, as well as the exchange of knowledge through a global network made of workers. The integration between the digital fabrication and the product design field is increasing and most of its applications are still to discover.

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